Showing posts with label Natural vitamin supplement for puppies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Natural vitamin supplement for puppies. Show all posts

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Important Nutrients To Ensure Proper Health Of Dogs

Nutrients are important for the health of your pet dog. Animals obtain nutrients from the food they eat, and use them as an energy source. If you have a puppy, its growth depends largely on the nutrients it takes. Lack of nutrients may hinder the growth and metabolism of your pet. Lack of nutrients may also cause problems in the skin and coat. You can use several natural remedies for treating skin problems in dogs. However, a balanced diet containing all the vital nutrients can not only eliminate skin and coat issues, but also keep away other problems and illnesses.

In general, your pet’s diet should contain all the essential nutrients. However, if your vet has instructed you against giving any particular nutrient to your pet, because of any illness or any other reason, obey the instructions. This article discusses the essential nutrient classes that are vital for proper growth and health of your pet dog.


Water is the most crucial nutrient. Water is extremely essential for life, and it accounts for about 60 – 70% of your adult dog’s body weight. Although food fulfills some portion of your dog’s water requirements, still you need to provide fresh clean water to your pet at all times. Water deficiency may lead to serious consequences for pets. A 10% decrease in water level of the body may cause serious illness while a 15% loss may lead to death.


Proteins are the fundamental building blocks for hormones, enzymes, organs, tissues, cells and antibodies. Proteins are very important for repair, reproduction, maintenance and growth. Proteins can be acquired from several sources. Animal-based proteins like egg, fish, beef, turkey, lamb and chicken consist of amino acid profiles completely. However, you should not give raw eggs to your dog as raw egg has avidin. Avidin is an anti-vitamin, which interferes with the metabolism of energy, amino acids, glucose and fats. Soy, cereals and vegetables also have proteins, but they are considered as incomplete proteins.


Fats are a concentrated form of energy, which provide your dog an energy that is greater than twice the energy given by carbohydrates or proteins. Fats are important in cell structure and are required for generation of certain hormones. Your dog’s body also needs fats to absorb and utilize fat-soluble vitamins. The internal organs are provided with protection and insulation through fats. Your dog’s diet must have essential fatty acids since the dog’s body cannot synthesize them in adequate levels. Lack of essential fatty acids may lead to increased skin issues and reduce the growth. Linoleic acid is one of the essential fatty acids for dogs.


Carbohydrates provide energy for your dog’s tissues. The intestine health depends largely on this nutrient. It is important for reproduction too. Although there is no defined minimum carbohydrate requirement, the minimum glucose requirement has been defined, which is required for supplying energy to the critical organs like the brain.


Natural vitamin supplement for puppies

These are catalysts in enzyme reactions. Small vitamin amounts are necessary for normal metabolism and function in dogs. In most cases, where a balanced and complete diet is given to dogs, a vitamin supplement is not necessary. However, dogs suffering from specific vitamin deficiencies should be given vitamin supplements. Small pet dogs suffering from vitamin deficiency should be given a natural vitamin supplement meant for puppies. Consult your vet before giving a vitamin supplement to your pet, to make sure that your dog gets the adequate vitamin amount.

These are the major nutrient requirements of your pet dog. Consult your vet to plan a diet that contains all these nutrients in proper amounts.

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